
Cesaro On His Partnership With Shinsuke Nakamura, Talks Advice John Cena Gave Him, A Potential Singles-Run


WWE superstar and current SmackDown tag champion Cesaro spoke with Sport1 to talk all things pro-wrestling. Highlights are below.

On his partnership with Nakamura:

I would call the partnership great. We both had something to prove and felt overlooked. Now we are champions, so very successful. When I met Sheamus, we thought we had something to prove. But while I was fighting him with Sheamus ahead of time, I’ve been with Shinsuke for most of the year. For example, we helped Sami Zayn to win the Intercontinental Championship.

On a potential singles run:

I would like that too. But it’s not like that at the moment, so I’m trying to make the best of every opportunity and situation. I compliment the strengths of my tag team partners very well. Maybe that proves that I’m a very good team player [laughs]. Tag team wrestling is a challenge in itself. I enjoy that. I want to get better every day, that’s how I handle my career. If I can’t do it anymore, it’s time to stop.

Advice John Cena gave him:

A wise man named John Cena once told me that you are only as good as you were in your last match. I want my last match to be great. When I see that this is no longer possible, you have to stop. I don’t know when that is.

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