
Butch Harmon Reveals Insights Into Rory McIlroy’s Masters Preparation


Butch Harmon revealed in a media interview what he has been focusing on with Rory McIlroy ahead of this year’s Masters. The Northern Irishman has taken his task seriously and is aware that this is the ideal opportunity for him to finally win the Masters he has been dreaming of for years. Interestingly, Rory McIlroy decided to seek advice from Butch Harmon before the start of this year’s Masters, to understand what he needs to do when it comes to the Masters. Butch Harmon decided to speak to Sky Sports about what he has been working on with McIlroy the most.  There are many aspects of Rory’s game that he wasn’t satisfied with, knowing that he needs to improve his game if he wants to succeed at the Masters. Rory knows that Harmon’s advice could be crucial to his success.

“The big, long backswing, the big, long follow-through. [The] ball flight was very high, we talked about the easiest way to control is to take the ball out of the air and bring the ball back down.”- Harmon said, as quoted by Golf Monthly!

Harmon emphasized the importance of adjusting Rory’s technique to achieve better control over his short irons and wedges. He explained that skilled players don’t elevate the ball too high but instead focus on a downward strike to precisely control the distance. To address this, they worked on refining Rory’s follow-through, securing a more compact motion to prevent errant shots to the left.

“If you look at all good short iron, wedge players, they’re not throwing the ball up here, they’re throwing it down here so the ball can go the exact distance they want it to go.

To do that we had to remove that long flowing follow-through [and] releasing club through impact because he was missing these greens to the left all the time.”

Harmon believes that fans of this sport will have the opportunity to see Rory in a different light. It’s clear that Harmon and he have worked on many aspects of his game, and we will see how much of that Rory will apply in his game.

“And you’ll see him today if he has these shorter shots, chopping the follow through off like he did last week, trying to put the clubface on the ball squarely and let his arms and body rotate together, sequencing up into it.”

McIlroy is focusing on a new takeaway drill.

Harmon explained that the drill involves setting the club first and then initiating the turn. McIlroy has a tendency to bring his right arm too far back, which can cause the club to lag behind him, requiring him to make adjustments mid-swing.

To address this, McIlroy has been practicing extensively with the drill, which involves positioning a two-piece apparatus in line with his feet and allowing the club to naturally rise as he turns.

Harmon expressed confidence in McIlroy’s ability to execute this technique effectively, stressing that it has led to important improvements in his ball-striking.

Rory McIlroy reveals his ambitions, but is cautious

Rory McIlroy aims to show something different this year compared to previous ones, especially after his less-than-stellar performance at the Masters last year. Anything short of victory at this year’s Masters will be a disappointing outcome for him. The Northern Irishman has always strived for greatness, and this time is no exception. McIlroy seems to be entering this competition more focused than ever before. His mindset is entirely different from what we’re accustomed to seeing.

Rory McIlroy

Rory McIlroy© Andrew Redington/Getty Images Sport


Rory emphasized before the start of the Masters that he’s in a better place than he was a few weeks ago. Despite his season being filled with different moments, both great and not-so-ideal, Rory strives to maintain optimism. McIlroy has been somewhat mysterious, keeping certain details about his game and ambitions hidden. 

He’s aware that the media creates pressure and can have an impact on him. Rory has highlighted that he wants to control his emotions and thoughts, believing that with such an approach, he can achieve great things. The Northern Irishman has vast experience playing in the Masters and knows his colleagues and their qualities well. However, Rory, as one of the most successful golfers, is also aware of his own qualities and capabilities.

Some still consider him one of the main favorites to win the Masters, aware that McIlroy has a huge desire to achieve a Grand Slam career. Few have managed to accomplish that feat, but Rory is a quality golfer who certainly has the capacity for such achievements. The 34-year-old golfer has already attracted huge attention.

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