
Bully Ray Believes Vince McMahon and Steve Austin Should Be on WWE Commentary


WWE Hall of Famer and Busted Open co-host Bully Ray recently commented on the empty arena tapings that WWE have been producing. Ray believes that WWE needs to shake up the show and the way to do that is bring Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin on commentary.

Ray stated: “if you put the greatest rivalry in the history of wrestling behind behind the announce table, holy crap what the hell are these two guys gonna say to each other? And when the time is right they bicker, and when the time’s right they lay out and tell stories. ‘Well you know these New Day guys they’re really good you know they’re sitting on 8 Tag Team Championships, only a matter of time before they break the record.’ Holy sh*t Steve Austin just put over the New Day!? Instant frickin’ credibility.”

Check out the full podcast here

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