
Bubba Watson on Masters Expectations, LIV Golfers, and Battling Anxiety


Even 13 LIV Golfers will have the opportunity to compete at this year’s Masters. There are high expectations for them, especially for several individuals. The main favorite among them is Jon Rahm, who made a great success last year by winning the Masters. Shortly thereafter, he left the PGA Tour and joined LIV Golf. 

One of the interesting names this year will also be Bubba Watson, an experienced golfer who has managed to win this competition twice. In a media interview before the start of this competition, Watson reflected on the Masters and the fact that LIV Golfers are competing among a multitude of PGA Tour players. 

When asked by a reporter if the atmosphere would be awkward, Watson had a clear answer. He predicts that things will look quite different now. Namely, the relationship between LIV Golfers and the PGA Tour is much better than it was last year and in 2022. He hopes for good golf and a positive atmosphere, expecting the best from himself.

“It will be different to last year. The two sides, LIV and the PGA Tour, weren’t talking back then, but there are negotiations going on now. The PGA Tour was against us, but now they’re not. As it should, the night will be all about the champion and the great names in that room. And The Masters will be all about the golf.”- Bubba Watson said, as quoted by Telegraph!

Bubba Watson has managed to win the Masters twice, in 2012 and 2014. Although some attempted to downplay his first victory in 2012 as luck, Watson proved everyone wrong by winning the competition again just two years later. Such a moment is what every golfer dreams of. He showed everyone that he is a golfer worthy of respect and praise. Watson has no intention of proving himself to anyone anymore, aware of his abilities. Although he is not among the main favorites to win the Masters, Bubba is certainly someone who can make a difference and reach the very end. It’s hard to make predictions about who can win this competition, but the past has shown us that we shouldn’t count anyone out. Watson hopes he can achieve success this year.

Bubba Watson

Bubba Watson© Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images Sport


Reflecting on his victories, Watson admitted that after his initial win in 2012, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of being an imposter. However, winning the title again two years later reassured him of his abilities. Despite not facing external criticism, Watson battled with doubts within himself. Nonetheless, securing a second victory helped him overcome any uncertainties about his skills.

Bubba Watson on anxiety 

Bubba Watson has also decided to speak about his battle with anxiety, which he faced shortly after winning his second Masters. Dealing with anxiety can be exhausting and create huge problems for individuals. Watson reflected on his struggles and the fact that he was convinced he had cancer, despite medical reassurances that it wasn’t cancer.

Looking back on his anxiety, Watson now realizes that his troubles originated from his mind rather than his body. However, he stresses that for anyone experiencing similar challenges, the lines between mental and physical health blur. His anxiety reached its peak in 2015, a period that could have been the peak of his career, having won two majors in the previous three years. 

Watson admitted that during that time, he simply wanted the best for his family and himself. A decade later, he acknowledges feeling much better and likely happier than ever. Watson has put in a lot of work on himself, striving to become the best version of himself, and it seems that he has succeeded. This will give him a huge advantage as he approaches the Masters. Watson appears confident, which is the first step towards success.

Watson is happy with LIV Golf, as can be sensed from his statements. It seems that he has never regretted his decision. This experienced golfer is increasingly being associated with retirement. However, he has no such intentions.

At 45 years old and having overcome knee surgery, Watson believes he still has the capability for another huge comeback in his career. He maintains his drive and ambition, although he stresses the presence of strong competitors in the field.

At this year’s Masters, there will be a lot of quality golfers eagerly awaiting their chance to achieve great success. LIV Golfers are particularly motivated to succeed, often criticized and scrutinized like the Tour. It will be interesting to see Watson and his colleagues and what they can accomplish at this year’s Masters. Jon Rahm is one of the names mentioned as a favorite to win, but it’s difficult to make accurate predictions regarding the champions of this competition.

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