
Bronson Reed asks WWE fans for their help in getting him booked in a special match at ‘Mania



Bronson Reed came up short in a gauntlet match on this week’s episode of Raw, ending his pursuit of an Intercontinental title match at WrestleMania 40 against GUNTHER.

At this point things aren’t looking good for Reed’s chances to make the WrestleMania card. However, all hope is not lost yet. The big man took to social media last night to ask WWE fans for their help in getting the company to book him on the card by demanding MeatMania:

Reed’s post calls back to Big E’s great idea for a new match type at WrestleMania this year, The Meaty Men Invitational. There are several big meaty men in WWE besides Reed who fit the bill for such a meat-filled match, including Ivar, Omos, AOP, Bron Breakker, Brutus Creed, and Otis. Other special meat from around the world can even be brought in due to the match being an invitational. Big E can also be there as the referee or voice of the match, if he can’t compete in it. Hell, maybe this can be the retirement match that Goldberg thinks WWE owes him.

The Meaty Men Invitational at MeatMania sounds like a slam dunk winner of an idea for WWE to book in Philadelphia on the weekend of April 6 and 7. Do you think there’s any chance in hell it actually happens? Let me know in the comments below, Cagesiders.

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