
Bret Hart On Being Attacked By A Fan At The 2019 Hall Of Fame Ceremony


During a recent episode of Confessions Of The Hitman, Bret Hart spoke on being attacked by a fan during the 2019 Hall of Fame Ceremony. Here’s what he had to say:

Well, a lot of people, because [pro] wrestling is so bizarre, I guess, they just assumed it was part of the show. So they had this guy, he ran all the way down in front of everybody, and jumped over the [railing] like in the [Scotiabank] Saddledome, like running all the way down from the top, and jumping onto the ice. Everybody just watched like, ‘oh, this must be one of the wrestlers.’ He was an ex UFC guy apparently or an ex martial arts guy of some kind, but I think he had some mental problems or something, but he definitely didn’t come in to play around.

I didn’t see [Madsen] till the very last second. I could remember talking and I could feel, like, I thought it was a fight in the first row, is what I thought it was. I remember thinking that I’m talking, so I can’t look and go [looks over his shoulder] right in the middle. I want to look, but I couldn’t look. And I think just when I started to see what it was, he was already right there and grabbed me.

Luckily, nothing really bad happened as far as injury or anything like that. I know he got roughed up pretty good by ‘security’ and a few [pro] wrestlers. I think a few guys got shots in and all well earned. I mean, the guy deserved everything he got and he definitely was not coming into the ring to play with me. He came in there with a lot of force.

To be really honest, I’m just glad that nothing bad happened from it because I’m a firm believer that bad luck can just be around the corner sometimes. You never know when. You look at John Lennon being shot and that guy in that moment wanted to be famous.

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Credit: Confessions Of The Hitman. H/T WrestlingInc.

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