
Booker T On Why He Thinks WWE Is A Better Fit For Tessa Blanchard Than AEW


During his Hall Of Fame Podcast, Booker T spoke on why he thinks Tessa Blanchard should sign with the WWE over AEW. Here’s what he had to say:

The name ‘Tessa Blanchard’, that’s money. We can do something with this anywhere in the world. Tessa Blanchard, she’s a catch in anybody’s company if they can get her right now.

If WWE picked Tessa Blanchard up along with Charlotte Flair? I wish Hogan’s daughter had stayed in there because that’s what I want to see: the second generation with all women. To be able to slide right in there, she’s gonna be a star immediately. We’re gonna get a chance to see how good Tessa Blanchard really is.

That’s something that I’ve always wondered myself when I was working in other companies especially before I got into WWE. Can I show these guys that I am the real deal? I thought I could do that. I proved it in the long run. Tessa Blanchard is gonna have the chance to do the same thing.

I think in AEW she’ll be a huge fish in a small pond. I think for Tessa Blanchard to go out there and put a stamp on the business, she’s gonna have to go to WWE. She’s gonna have to go there and perform at the highest level under the brightest lights to become as great as I think she wants to be.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Hall of Fame Podcast. H/T WrestlingInc.

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