
Booker T On Why He Refused To Job To Matt Morgan In TNA


During a recent episode of his Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T went into detail on why he refused to do a job for Matt Morgan back in his TNA days. Here’s what he had to say:

Me and Matt, we always got along with each other, we always had camaraderie. We always had some sort of fellowship when we were around each other as well. It had nothing to do with Matt Morgan other than with me working Matt Morgan and I was told, you were gonna be working with Matt Morgan, and at that same time, Kurt Angle and I had some friction back and forth with the Main Event Mafia. Therefore we were gonna interject Kurt Angle into this angle, you working Matt Morgan, Kurt Angle come out, distraction, Matt hits you with the boom, the big gimmick, 1-2-3-, boom, we get Matt Morgan over. I was like, ‘Yeah, alright, I’m cool with that, no big deal.’

When we got back to TV, actually to do the match with Matt Morgan after the fiasco that happened and I walked out, I guess they were gonna punish me, and then not just punish me, but make me look bad at the same time. I can’t remember who it was, might have been Pat Buck or somebody like that, I can’t remember who it was, but I remember them coming to me and telling me, ‘Hey Book, we changed the finish up on the Matt Morgan match, Kurt Angle’s not going to come out now and do anything. Matt is just going to beat you right in the middle of the ring, maybe a six minute match and we’ll just move forward from there.’ And I looked at him, and I go, ‘OK, let me think about it for a second.’ And literally I thought about it for one second, and I go, ‘I thought about it, that’s not going to happen, alright?’ ‘What’s wrong?’ I said, ‘That’s not going to happen.’ It upset me because it felt like it was a punishment.

I was willing to go out there and do it the way we had already laid out with Kurt coming out and it would have been perfectly fine, he would have gotten what he needed out of it, they would have gotten what they needed out of it. And then I remember Terry Taylor came back and he goes, ‘Hey Book, what’s going on? I heard you’re not going to put Matt over.’ I said, ‘No, I’m not doing that, it’s ridiculous, now all of a sudden I’m putting a guy over in five minutes when it was a certain way not even a couple of weeks ago.’ And then he goes, ‘Alright, let me go talk to somebody.’ So he left, went and talked to somebody, and came back and said, ‘Alright, we’re going to do it the way we had set with Kurt Angle doing the deal.’ And then I go, ‘After I thought about it, I can’t even do that now because you disrespected me.’ I said, ‘My last night is going to be at the PPV and then I’m going to go into the sunset and you guys will go on wherever you’ll go.’

Matt Morgan came to me and he goes, ‘Book, we got heat or anything?’ I said, ‘Naw Matt, this has nothing to do with you, any other circumstances, this would not have happened, but trust me, this has nothing to do with you.’ So Matt Morgan and I, we never had any friction back and forth or anything like that, but I just thought the company definitely dropped the ball and tried to make me look bad at the same time.

You can listen below:

Credit: Hall of Fame Podcast. H/T 411Mania.

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