
Booker T On Almost Fighting William Regal, Not Liking Chris Jericho During Their Time In WCW


On the latest episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T discussed some of the backstage issues he had while wrestling. He specifically mentioned Jericho as being someone he clashed with during their time together in WCW and revealed that he and William Regal almost got into a fistfight once. Here are the highlights:

On Wrestlers He Didn’t Like During His Career:

Chris Jericho, back in the day was not one of my favorite people. He wasn’t high on my list, we were not breaking bread together, we were about to fight. William Regal is another one, every time I saw William Regal, I just wanted to hit him in the mouth, he wanted to hit me in the mouth and we really didn’t know why.

On Almost Fighting William Regal:

We were at Sting’s Main Event gym (in Atlanta), Sid, my brother and I were walking in and William Regal was walking out and I look at him like I just wanted a piece of him, just wanted to do something to him. I don’t know maybe it was the way I saw him work on television, seemed superior. I always wanted to test myself, immediately let me check the toughest dog in the room.

On Why He Thinks Backstage Rivalries Are A Good Thing:

Seeing these guys call each other out, I like it. Because it makes everyone step their games up. These guys perform at a really high level, they want to prove they are better than the guy standing across from them. They want to say they are the best in the world. That title, to these guys right now is serious. When they see Shane McMahon running around saying he is best in the world they are about to lose their minds.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Hall of Fame Podcast. H/T WrestlingInc.

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