
Bobby Lashley on when he might be done wrestling



It’s almost hard to believe as much, because he looks as good as he does and is still in the shape he’s in, but Bobby Lashley is 47-years-old. That means there’s less time in front of him than behind him, at least as it pertains to his career in professional wrestling.

It’s time, then, to consider when to lace up the boots for the last time.

During a recent appearance on the “After the Bell” podcast, Lashley was asked how much longer he will be wrestling and had this to say about it (transcription via WrestlingNews.co):

“I tell my sparring partners, I tell my training partners, and I tell anybody that works out with me, when you see that I’m missing a step or slowing down a little bit, just tell me. I mean, because you see a lot of times those guys that are fighting in the UFC or boxing or something, and they take that one fight too many. It’s almost sad. Or you see those guys get in the ring and they just can’t move the same, it’s sad. He kind of loses that a little bit. I don’t want to be that guy. It’s like when Superman gets that kryptonite, you see Superman kind of falling apart and becoming weak. I don’t need that. I put myself financially in a very, very good position that it’s not for the money. It’s for my enjoyment. I mean, I truly love going out there and being in front of the crowd and being in front of fans and stuff like that really gets me up and I really like some of the guys that I work with.”

He certainly doesn’t look like he’s slowing down to me, and his recent partnership with The Street Profits has given him something to dig into on television each week. Speaking of which, he also said one of his goals before he retires is to win the tag team titles.

So there’s still work to be done.

Lucky us.

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