
Bobby Lashley Comments On Mark Henry and Lio Rush Dispute: “No Way Should They Be Bringing Each Other Down”


WWE superstar Bobby Lashley recently spoke with TalkSport’s Alex McCarthy to discuss the ongoing beef between Hall of Famer Mark Henry and former WWE star Lio Rush, who was released a few weeks ago as apart of WWE’s cutbacks from COVID-19.

Lashley states that he’s always tried to show respect to everyone in an effort to come together and entertain the fans.

One thing we don’t wanna start to do is putting ourselves against each other. That’s one thing we always did in the wrestling business is we shook hands when we came in the door. So I respect you, I respect everybody, I respect everyone and if you could send me an article where I downplayed someone or made them look bad or said something negative send it to me because I don’t know that I’ve ever done that and I never will.

Afterwards Lashley commends both Henry and Rush, and reminds them that they should not be attempting to bring the other one down.

There’s no way, shape or form where they should be bringing each other down.

Check out his full comments below.

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