
Backstage Updates on The Usos Returning to WWE


The Usos are expected to return to WWE TV soon.

The WWE creative team was recently instructed to start coming up with ideas for the return of the brothers, according to a new report from @Wrestlevotes.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso are currently members of the RAW roster, and the new report notes that they are slated to remain in the red brand tag team division.

The Usos were taken off the road following Jimmy’s most recent arrest for DUI back in July, but as noted last week, Jimmy was found not guilty on the related charges. The Usos were at one point scheduled to return to TV at the SmackDown FOX premiere on October 4, but plans were nixed for some unknown reason. It was noted then that there was no creative plans for their returns, and no return date set. It was also still undecided on which brand The Usos and Naomi would end up on, but word now is that they will stay on RAW.

There’s still no word yet on when Naomi will return but she revealed in late September that she has been away from WWE action since July due to health issues of her own, and family issues. It was reported that WWE officials left both The Usos and Naomi out of the 2019 WWE Draft because they had no creative plans for them. Naomi was recently advertised for the WWE live event from Puerto Rico in late October, but she did not return. Naomi was also rumored to return in November but that never happened.

Stay tuned for updates on the WWE returns of The Usos and Naomi.

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