
Arn Anderson Talks About Ric Flair Spending Money, Being Blue Collared, and Tipping Less


On Arn Anderson’s podcast, he discussed the difference between himself and Ric Flair when it came to making money and how they spent it. Arn retells a story about the time he took money from someone’s tip and gave them significantly less. “For example, we’d pull up to the Marriott in Atlanta. Its after the show, here the guys would see us, and they’d come running because they knew Ric was a mark.”

He describes the way Ric Flair would blow his money on things like tipping and how he’d have to fix it after Flair left. “He would give a guy $20 to move the car from the front curb to the first parking space, which was ten feet away, then he would hand the guy a twenty,” Arn scoffs, “I would take the twenty out of the guy’s hand and hand him a five, go park the car myself, and put the twenty back in Ric’s pocket.” That sounds like a tipped employee’s worst nightmare.

Anderson remembers telling Flair to “Quit being ridiculous.”

“When you’re making the kind of money that he’s made for the length of time he’s made it, a couple hundred bucks means absolutely nothing. Couple hundred bucks at my house, a lot of money.” Anderson explains that the difference in how they spent their money wasn’t an act, it’s just how he is, “I may have come across as the blue collar working man because that’s exactly who I was. I did not make the money to try to live like Ric Flair, I was cool just living like me and just paying cash.”

You can listen to the segment in its entirety here:

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