
Arn Anderson Shares His Thoughts On Dustin Rhodes Putting His Career On The Line, Warns Kip Sabian


AEW coach and producer Arn Anderson issued a statement on his Twitter earlier today commenting on Dustin Rhodes deciding to put his career on the line tomorrow night on Dynamite. The Natural is set to face Kip Sabian in a first round matchup of the TNT championship tournament, but revealed to his brother Cody on a phone call that if he doesn’t win he plans to hand them up.

Anderson begins by talking about Rhodes’ natural ability in the ring, and his creativity that made acts like The Natural and Goldust huge stars.

About 1988 or so the grandson of a Plummer, entered the world of pro wrestling. With one of the richest pedigrees ever, (the natural) Dustin Rhodes arrived. At that time in the business that moniker would have been great for a heel maybe not so much for a pristine young baby face. Then around 1990 or so he arrived and I watched closely and eventually got to share the ring with this kid. Then I got it. He was a natural at his chosen field. His athletic ability, willingness to listen and learn, durability, work ethic and creativity made Dustin and Goldust both huge superstars.

He later warns Kip Sabian, telling the 27-year old Brit that Rhodes is prepared to leave it all out there to get this win.

This Wednesday on TNT Dynamite Dustin has come to a crossroads…No pun intended, in his career. To put his career on the line against a younger, hungry opponent like Kip Sabian might be an unnecessary risk. Only Dustin knows his reasoning. I would say this to Kip Sabian A wounded lion is the most dangerous animal on earth. Food for thought. Maybe just when you think you’ve got Dustin…He’s got you!!! However it shakes out, win or lose, it has been my honor to share this business with you and I Know that you will be a huge asset to AEW in the years to come. To a great friend and colleague you will always have my respect! AA.

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