
Anna Jay and Preston Vance emotionally reflect on honoring Mr. Brodie Lee


The AEW special Homecoming episode of Dynamite on Wednesday night also doubled as a tribute to the late Mr. Brodie Lee. Anna Jay and Preston Vance were featured in separate 8-wrestler tag matches to showcase the handpicked Dark Order students of Mr. Brodie. Anna and Preston earned the wins for their teams. Afterward backstage, they reflected on the opportunity to honor Mr. Brodie.

Forewarning to get the tissues ready if you cry seeing others cry.

Both of these interviews are better watched than read in text, since Anna and Preston ramble in an effort to express their thoughts.

Anna was asked about honoring Mr. Brodie. Her answer was sort of in character, but she couldn’t hold back the real emotion.

Anna Jay: (Mr. Brodie Lee) He’s really what started me here in AEW. He was here from the beginning as soon as I was signed at 21. He kind of took me under his wing. I was in the Dark Order to begin with, and he’s somebody who kind of showed me what was right, what was wrong, what to do, what not to do, and really helped me a lot. Now, not having him obviously is really difficult, but tonight really sparked something in me I feel like that I haven’t had since then. He’s somebody who kind of gave me a lot of hope in the beginning. And now recently, I just haven’t really had it. And, you know what? I feel like tonight, like I said, kind of sparked that again in me, and I feel like I’m ready again.

At the question of feeling if Mr. Brodie would be proud of her, Anna broke into tears.

Anna Jay: Oh goodness. (Composing herself behind tears to answer.) Sorry. I hope so. I hope so, but I think, like I said, tonight kind of has given me that fire again to keep going more where maybe I lost some of it. Where I think now I do want to make him more proud.

Preston was asked about how special it was getting the win to honor Mr. Brodie. Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, and Alex Silver entered the scene to offer kind words of support about Mr. Brodie watching proudly.

Preston Vance: It was very special. Emotional. He was a very special, not just wrestler, but very special human, especially to me. I don’t think I’d be in AEW without him. He believed in me when no one else did, and he didn’t have to.

A funny story about this jacket, it’s my favorite one, is he actually gave this to me in this building about ten feet away in the hallway. I had torn my bicep, and he gave his old jacket to cover my arm.

And, I know this was a Brodie tribute, but, for me, every time I go out there is it’s to honor Brodie. I treat every match as a Brodie tribute, because I just want him to be proud. All I ever wanted him was just to be proud of me, and I hope he is.

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