
AEW wish list: Sting as a trios champion, return of women’s tag team tournament, more!



Pa rum pum pum pum. It’s that time of year to make wishes for the holiday season. 2022 is nearly at a close, and 2023 is shining bright around the corner. Here are a few wish list items I’d love to see happen in AEW for the next calendar year.

Sting as trios champion

It’s Sting!


I’ve asked for Sting as world champion and Sting as tag team champion in past years. I realize Sting winning AEW’s top prize was pie in the sky. Sting and Darby Allin winning tag team gold was more attainable. Those were wishful thinking having fun. However, Sting, Allin, and a third winning the trios titles could be a very reasonable proposition. Trios matches by nature are chaotic, which fits up Sting’s alley for his work in AEW. He would have less of a load to carry when tagging with two partners. The schedule of title defenses could be spaced out enough to provide recovery time for the Icon.

I’m working under the assumption that the Elite will become two-time trios champs at the end of the Best-of-7 series with Death Triangle. One of the dream scenarios left for Sting in AEW is facing off against Kenny Omega. Sting winning another title as a cherry on his career sundae would be preferable, but I’d settle for a PPV matchup against the Elite with all the bells and whistles even if it hands Sting his first defeat in AEW.

Speaking of dream matches…

Bandido vs. Dragon Lee

AEW has a wide-ranging roster to provide unique matchups. One of those special attraction bouts I’m hoping for is Bandido versus Dragon Lee.

These two superstar luchadores have surprisingly never competed one-on-one on a big stage. According to the Internet Wrestling Database, Bandido and Dragon Lee have only wrestled in singles action once for a PWG bout in 2019. Perhaps that matchup has happened on low tier indies somewhere in Mexico, but Bandido and Dragon Lee deserve a stage for the whole world to see. AEW has the connections to make it happen. Personally, I don’t need a story to pumped for this one. I’d be happy if Bandido versus Dragon Lee was tossed onto an ROH PPV and given fifteen minutes to shine.

Once the luchadores settle their business, throw in Konosuke Takeshita for a round robin.

Return of the women’s tag team tournament

AEW held the Deadly Draw women’s tag team tournament in 2020 with Ivelisse & Diamante triumphing over Brandi Rhodes & Bunny in the final.

AEW’s YouTube channel

At that time, partners were drawn by random. AEW has developed enough friendships today that the Deadly Draw gimmick is not necessary. I want to see who the best women’s tag team is in AEW. I don’t think there is a need for official titles yet, so just give me a standard tournament with some sort of flashy prize.

If you roll with eight teams, here are quality options to choose from:

  • Anna Jay & Tay Melo
  • Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter
  • Bunny & Penelope Ford
  • Emi Sakura & Mei Suruga
  • The Baddies (Jade Cargill, Red Velvet, & Leila Grey)
  • Madison Rayne & Skye Blue
  • Marina Shafir & Nyla Rose
  • Ruby Soho & Willow Nightingale
  • Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm

There are also Hikaru Shida, Kiera Hogan Kris Statlander, Leyla Hirsch, Riho, Saraya, Serena Deeb, and Yuka Sakazaki to mix and match. I’d like to see if AEW could reach an agreement with Ivelisse to return for the tournament. It’s only fitting for the champs to defend their crown. There is a lot of talent in that list to produce a few weeks of compelling television.

Time to rattle off some quick wishes.

Unleash W. Morrissey. Big Bill was doing the best work of his career in Impact. He’s been signed to AEW for four months, and the only memorable thing I can recall is chokeslamming Jungle Boy into the dumpster. Morrissey is capable of so much more.

ROH finds a home. Even though I don’t mind the ROH stories on AEW programming, I do agree with the criticism that it bogs down the weekly flow. It’s about time that business gets sorted out for the benefit of both ROH and AEW. Thankfully, this one appears to be heading in the right direction with potential news coming in January.

Eliminate the corner break rule. One of the annoyances in the professional wrestling rule book is the referee ordering a break when one opponent is landing punches on the other in the corner. This rule is rarely enforced and looks silly with the referee issuing verbal warnings. On the odd occasion that the referee physically intervenes, it feels awkward due to the inconsistent application. Get out of the way, and let them fight.

More hoss fights. I love hoss fights and always want more. AEW has a collection of big boys on the roster, and I want to see them collide. Samoa Joe, Wardlow, Will Hobbs, Brian Cage, Lance Archer, Brody King, Miro, W. Morrissey, Jake Hager, Keith Lee, Luchasaurus, Kaun, Toa Liona, Butcher, Nick Comoroto, Boulder, Bronson, Luther, Parker Boudreaux, and the other Swerve affiliate are certified hoss meat. Add in Eddie Kingston, Claudio Castagnoli, Rush, and more heavy-hitters for a glorious smorgasbord of delectable hoss fighting delights. Hoss fights!

Jeff Jarrett as AEW world champion. Okay, that’s not a real wish. However, I would find great joy and humor in watching the internet burn if that were to occur.

What do wish to see in AEW for 2023? Which are your dream matches that AEW could put together?

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