
AEW Dark Elevation Results 12/10/22


AEW Dark Elevation Results 12/10/22
H-E-B Center At Cedar Park
Austin, Texas

Commentary Team: (Tony Schiavone, Paul Wight and Matt Menard) 

First Match: (0-0) The Kingdom w/Maria Kanellis vs. (0-1) Ativalu & (0-0) Sal Muscat 

Matt Taven and Ativalu will start things off. Taven slaps Ativalu in the face. Taven side steps Ativalu into the turnbuckles. Taven unloads two knife edge chops. Ativalu reverses out of the irish whip from Taven. Taven dives over Ativalu. Taven slides under Ativalu’s legs. Taven dropkicks Ativalu. Taven poses for the crowd. Ativalu tags in Muscat. Taven drives his knee into the midsection of Muscat.

Taven slams Muscat’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Taven tags in Bennett. Bennett unloads a series of knife edge chops. Bennett with a Rolling Haymaker. Bennett tags in Taven. Bennett with a Rolling Elbow. Taven with a Corner Splash. Bennett follows that with a Death Valley Driver. Taven with a Running Knee Strike. Taven tags in Bennett. Bennett puts Muscat on the top turnbuckle. The Kingdom connects with their Running Boot/Proton Pack Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: (1-0) The Kingdom via Pinfall 

Second Match: (21-4) Athena vs. (3-19) Madi Wrenkowski 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Athena backs Wrenkowski into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Athena rocks Wrenkowski with a forearm smash. Athena transitions into a ground and pound attack. Wrenkowski rolls Athena over for a one count. Chop Exchange. Athena with clubbing blows to Wrenkowski’s back.

Athena with a Fisherman’s Buster. Athena makes Wrenkowski tap out to The CrossFace. After the match, Athena refuses to let go of the hold. Athena dropkicks Wrenkowski off the ring apron. Athena whips Wrenkowski into the steel barricade. Athena rocks Wrenkowski with a forearm smash.

Winner: (22-4) Athena via Submission 

Third Match: (14-12) Top Flight vs. (5-13) The Factory (Aaron Solow & Nick Comoroto)

Dante Martin and Aaron Solow will start things off. Dante blocks a boot from Solow. Solow ducks a clothesline from Dante. Solow drives his knee into the midsection of Dante. Solow with a forearm smash. Short-Arm Reversal by Dante. Dante kicks Solow in the gut. Dante sends Solow to the corner. Dante with a diving corner clothesline. Dante tags in Darius. Darius with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Dante with a Slingshot Senton. Darius hooks the outside leg for a two count. Darius goes for a Bodyslam, but Solow lands back on his feet. Standing Switch Exchange. Darius goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Solow holds onto Comoroto. Solow dumps Darius face first on the top rope. Solow slams Darius head on the top turnbuckle pad. Solow tags in Comoroto. Double Gut Punch. Comoroto with a straight right hand. The Factory are mauling Darius in the corner.

Dropkick/Vertical Suplex Combination for a two count. Solow with a downward punch. Darius with heavy bodyshots. Solow punches Darius in the back. Solow with the irish whip. Darius kicks Solow in the face. Darius decks Comoroto with a back elbow smash. Solow scores the ankle pick. Darius with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Darius tags in Dante. Dante dives over Solow. Dante knocks Comoroto off the ring apron. Dante with a back elbow smash. Dante scores two forearm knockdowns. Dante with a Reverse Suplex for a two count. Dante tags in Darius. Double Irish Whip. Assisted Swinging DDT for a two count. Comoroto drives his knee into the midsection of Dante. Comoroto goes for a PowerBomb, but Dante counters with a Hurricanrana to the floor. Solow decks Darius with a JawBreaker. Darius dodges The Windmill Kick. Solow uses Comoroto for leverage. Dante hits The Nose Dive. Darius rolls Solow over to pickup the victory.

Winner: (15-12) Top Flight via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: (0-2) Juice Robison vs. (1-1) Hagane Shinno 

Robinson immediately attacks Shinno after the bell rings. Robinson repeatedly stomps on Shinno’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Robinson transitions into a ground and pound attack. Shinno with heavy bodyshots. Shinno with a chop/forearm combination. Robinson drops Shinno with The Flapjack. Robinson with a Senton Splash for a two count. Robinson argues with the referee. Robinson goes for The Delayed Vertical Suplex, but Shinno counters with a high knee strike. Robinson decks Shinno with a back elbow smash. Shinno kicks Robinson in the face. Shinno sends Robinson tumbling to the floor. Shinno with a SpringBoard MoonSault.

Shinno teases a dive. Shinno rolls Robinson back into the ring. Shinno with a SpringBoard Knee Strike. Shinno with clubbing hamstring kicks. Shinno follows that with a Roundhouse Kick. Shinno nails Robinson with The Helluva Kick. Short-Arm Reversal by Robinson. Robinson with a thumb to the eye. Robinson with a corner clothesline. Robinson hits The Running Cannonball Strike. Robinson goes for a PowerBomb, but Shinno lands back on his feet. Shinno with a back elbow smash. Shinno with a Flying Headscissors Takeover. Shinno ducks a clothesline from Robinson. Robinson with an Inside Out DDT for a two count. Robinson is pissed. Robinson connects with The PileDriver to pickup the victory.

Winner: (1-2) Juice Robinson via Pinfall 


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