
Adam Cole On Which WWE Match Of His Is His Favorite & Why


During an interview with Bleacher Report, Adam Cole was asked to rank his favorite matches during his tenure with the WWE. Rather than choose one of his classic NXT encounters, he named his match against Pete Dunne at Survivor Series to be his top choice. Here is his rationale:

If I had to pick a favorite [title defense], strictly because of the month and the positioning of where I was, the successful title defense against Pete Dunne at Survivor Series is up there. I hold that one and the night that I won the championship as [being] very special. Not only because I got to wrestle at Survivor Series and it being the first time the NXT Championship was defended, but just the crazy month that I and so many other people had. To think it was 24 hours before I went through a 50-minute war in WarGames and I was thrown off the top of the cage. I was battered, beaten and bruised but still went out, still had a tough match, and still walked away as the NXT champion. I think that one is up there too as being very special as far as title defenses go.

You can read the interview HERE.

Credit: Bleacher Report.

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