
Kurt Angle On Vince McMahon Hiring Eric Bischoff & Paul Heyman


Kurt Angle was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio. During the appearance, he discussed Vince’s decision to hire Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman. Here’s what Angle had to say:

The ratings have been pretty stagnant. It just sounds like they want to give something a try and I do not blame them. The WWE right now, they are a publicly traded company that makes more money now, than they ever did before, that includes the Attitude Era.

They (WWE) are making more money now because of TV deals, and these shows (international specials), WWE Network, merchandise, endorsements, the money just keeps coming in. They have shareholders, they want to make sure it’s a family program and geared towards kids. The writing gets to be a little more difficult when you’re trying to write PG all the time.

You can listen to the clip below:

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