
Details on Cain Velasquez’s Contract For WWE


Before Monday Night Raw ran their angle with Rey Mysterio and Brock Lesnar, the WWE had pulled their offer from Cain Velasquez. They were upset when the news had made its rounds that they were offering him anything. They still set up the angle where Brock would take out Mysterio from his Universal title shot. The idea was that they were satisfied with the way the angle was written even if Velasquez wasn’t going to be involved.

Velasquez told ESPN that he hasn’t signed a contract, however, people in WWE are saying that he has. If the WWE hasn’t signed him, they ran a risky angle on Smackdown by including him while there are still offers from AEW and NJPW on the table. During the interview with ESPN’s Marc Raimondi, Velasquez says that they are really close to agreeing on a deal. When he’s asked if another company can come swoop in to sign him or if WWE is the only option, Velasquez adds, “Probably the WWE.”

Cain Velasquez vs. Brock Lesnar is likely being held at Crown Jewel on October 31st for the WWE title.

(credit: ESPN.com, f4wonline.com)

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